The Parable of the Wicked Tenants: The Culture of Death

by Fr. Kilian McCaffrey  |  10/05/2023  |  Pastor's Letter

I had to travel to Ireland this past week for the funeral Mass of Annette Higgins, my mother's youngest sister and my Godmother. When I grew up, there was no such thing as abortion in Ireland. I heard about it, of course, but it was a very strange, dark and alien concept, like the evils of World Wars I and II. I knew the Catholic Church spoke out strongly against abortion, and that was good enough for me.

When I moved to the United States in 1994, I was not directly exposed to abortion, but I knew it was available here. Living in Michigan, a friend once asked me about my opinion on the issue of abortion, and I declared that I was against it. He asked me why. I responded that I just knew it was simply wrong and evil. He pushed me further, asking why I felt that way, and I very quickly found that I could not effectively support my strong belief that abortion is simply wrong. I remember one Saturday afternoon I drove past a demonstration outside an abortion clinic. I felt curious, but also ambivalent. I certainly did not interrupt my afternoon to join that group of protestors. Like many people, I had become confused and ambivalent about abortion.

Around the same time, I remember reading a magazine article titled “Pro-Life Low-Life,” which attacked and shamed those who protest outside abortion clinics. I began seriously questioning how anyone could attack people who were peacefully trying to save lives. Who or what was behind such a magazine story? One night I had a dream and a voice spoke:

What are you confused about? Abortion is murder!

And just like that, I was no longer confused. It was a simple revelation of sound reason and common sense. Everyone, and most especially Catholics, should be opposed to abortion.

However, it is a highly sensitive, divisive issue. Many people are greatly affected by it, directly or indirectly. As our own beloved and retired Bishop Thomas J. Olmstead writes in his clear and very helpful teaching booklet titled, Catholics in the Public Square: “When it comes to direct attacks on innocent human life, being right on all the other issues can never justify a wrong choice on this most serious matter.

He continues and expands on his theme: “Abortion and euthanasia are ‘fundamental’ social issues because if the child in the womb has no right to be born, if the sick and the old have no right to be taken care of, then there is no solid foundation to defend anyone’s human rights, and no foundation for peace and justice in society.”

If we reject life as a cornerstone of our society, then our culture cannot survive. To sum up, paraphrasing Fr. Ray Greco from Sun City: “We have to stop abortion in this country, or else God will take this country away from us.”

These chilling words echo Our Lord:

“Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit” (Mt 21:43)


Fr. Kilian and all of our great Parish Staff