Parish Finance Council

Mission Statement: The Finance Council will be stewards on behalf of the parishioners at large regarding the prudent financial management of Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Parish. The role of the Finance Council is advising the pastor who ultimately holds the decision-making authority with respect to such matters.

The Finance Council accomplishes this mission by:

  1. Reviewing the financial performance and financial position of the parish in relation to historical and budgeted financial performance and reviewing the parish’s internal controls no less than quarterly.

  2. Reviewing the annual budget of the parish and the annual report to the bishop.

  3. Reviewing any extraordinary variances from the budget and any extraordinary, unplanned expenditures.

  4. Assisting the parish in its bank relationships, particularly any lending relationships.

  5. Assuring that the parish appropriately maintains its assets, appropriately plans for the replacement of assets and limits it’s liability exposures.

  6. Assisting and planning the fundraising efforts of the parish. Each member of the Finance Council should have skill sets and experience in one or more of the above areas and be active and involved members of the parish.

Finance Council Members

Kathy Bradley

Finance Council President

Laura Ladrigan Cobb

Finance Council Secretary

Paul Couture

Finance Council Member

Mike Strati

Finance Council Member