Extraordinary Ministers of Care

Ministry of Care (MOC) is the link between Blessed Sacrament and parishioners who are homebound, hospitalized, or convalescing. Men and women of the parish minister to their brothers and sisters in Christ who cannot participate in person, either for a short time or on a long-term basis.

Ministers of Care bring Holy Communion to the homebound unable to attend Mass on their own.

This ministry includes bringing the Eucharist and sharing the Word, visiting, listening, and being present when someone is in need of support and comfort.

Parishioners who have received the sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation are encouraged to be a part of this vital service to our extended community. All parishioners can be part of this ministry by their faithful support through prayer.

Those Blessed Sacrament parishioners who are interested in becoming a Minster of Care (MOC) go through a 2-hour individual training session. There will also be a few sessions of on-the-job visiting to acclimate to the role as a MOC.