Second Sunday of Advent: John the Baptist & The Holy Spirit - The Beginnings of Our Faith

by Fr. Kilian McCaffrey  |  12/07/2023  |  Pastor's Letter

The Advent Season is a real call to conversion and renewal, not a temporary time of change.

Last week, Jesus warned us: ‘Watch!’; today, John the Baptist cries: ‘Repent…’ The desert is a place of purifying and of cleansing, with no distractions and even fewer sources of food and water; survival (or salvation) is the only thing that matters.

We are in the desert today. We meet the wild man of the Gospels, John the Baptist, the last of the prophets, who Isaiah foretold would announce the Messiah, Jesus, who Himself said:

“There has been none greater than John the Baptist” and who John spoke of Jesus: “One mightier than I is coming after me.”

‘Repent’ is John’s powerful, simple message. Repent does not mean to decorate, party and shop, but to be pure and ready to meet God in “The mystery of the Incarnation, seen from the perspective of the Holy Spirit Who brought it about, also sheds light on the mystery of man. If the Spirit works in a unique way in the mystery of the Incarnation, He is also present at the origin of every human being. Our being is a “received being,” a reality thought of, loved and given. Thus every child should be seen and accepted as a gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Pope John Paul II, General audience May 27, 1998).

We will meet God-made-flesh in Bethlehem.

This Week’s Advent Event:

The Star of Bethlehem: Thursday, December 14 at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall

“The Star Is An Astronomical Mystery A strange star is claimed to have appeared at the birth of Jesus. This fascinating modern documentary is an investigation into the story found in the Biblical Gospel of Matthew: It’s a story called the ‘Star of Bethlehem.’ “It brings the words of Holy Scripture, as well as Roman and Jewish historians alongside the visions of ancient prophets. It mixes “modern” mathematicians with murderous intrigue and turmoil in the Roman imperial court. “It combines all these with astronomical facts which no one disputes. And it concludes that the star was a real event.

“The Star was a real historical event: why are we learning of the evidence only now? “Why isn’t it common knowledge? A few minutes considering these things will intensify your experience and understanding of what you will learn on this site. We’ll look at three of the most important factors leading to modern rediscovery of the Star: Johannes Kepler’s discovery of how the solar system works, improvements in our knowledge of 1st- century history and the advent of computers.

Explore this age-old mystery for yourself” at

Coming In Early January:

Prayer and Life Workshop with Chayito Hernandez

Fr. Kilian, Fr. Williams, our Deacons and all of our great Parish Staff and Volunteers.